Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tale of Two Brothers [Short Story]

Brother A and I always loved to get slushies. We were slushy fiends. We enjoyed the carbonated taste, the sweet sugary goodness. The frozen treat was like our choice of drug. Every Friday when Brother A would pick me up from work at the hardware store we’d stop by Bob’s to grab a slushy before heading home. I think that was our way of saying we loved each other. We didn’t speak until we had our drinks. The silence between us during the short drive just drove us mad with anticipation, giving us a rush and a sugar high. We were excited. We felt empowered. We were seven and fourteen again. But on this particular day our lives changed, drastically.
As we walked in, prepared to take on the deliciously goodness of the frozen treat. As it waited so impatiently for us to double team her like the naughty treat she’s been. A girl was standing in front of our whore. She wasn’t just any girl though. She was a female my brother and I had yet to encounter. Long black hair it was thick like a lion’s mane. She had a nice complexion like an all year long golden tan. She had to be some kind of Hispanic or mix breed. Point is when she faced us and we saw her face.  The thought of our first love, slushies disappeared that day. She had heart shaped lips and big beautiful deep brown eyes. She was gorgeous. No makeup, no pretend to be attractive beauty. She had curves that could make valleys and mountains look flat. I looked to Brother A who happen to be in the same complete daze as me. I nudged him gently. “Hey, snap out of it.” I looked back to the new girl and awkwardly smiled as my heart tried to keep up with my brain. I swallowed nervously and raised a brow while licking my lips, trying to find the right words to say.
“Is the ICEE machine broken because that’d be a total dick kill.”
Shit. She blinked at me and quirked a slight smile, snorting as she finished filling her cup and faced us completely with her small frame and grace. Brother A, sat there mouth cracked open waiting for flies to float in and nestle in his wretched mouth. He finally spoke, being a lot smoother than me. His best quality. 
“Sorry he’s a freak and never seen a girl before.” I nod in agreement even if the statement was false.
“It’s alright I’m sort’ve used to it.” She said.
“So, who are you?”
“[Beautiful hotness name.] I’m new here, just started today, and yes it’s working I just thought I’d sneak some.”
There was silence, I looked over to Brother A again and he was grinning, blushing. What an asshole. He would do this; I decided to speak up again. Trying to smooth out my nervousness and talk to this girl without looking like a complete jackass again. But she made me nervous, very nervous. More nervous than my dad did when he forced me to play football and I completely let him down with a simple fumble that ruined his “fatherly” life forever. “Hey your kid has those butterfingers; he’ll do well with the ladies.” Some guy from my dad’s job shouted after the game. But unfortunately even then it didn’t work out so much. I stepped forward a bit. Staring at her carefully trying to not be an awkward alabaster retard.  “Did you just move here?” I asked questionably. She shifted her weight, leaning on one side of her body, hips angled. Giving my brother and I jolts of electricity that we didn’t want at that particular moment. She nodded, grinning. “Yeah actually I moved here from New York City a couple days ago.” My jaw dropped. “New York City?” Brother A asked, he was interested in the busy speedy life. I was too but we were stuck here in bumfuck county.  She nodded once more and began walking towards the register, keeping an eye on us in case we were some kind of rapist freaks. “Yep, ol’ NYC. My mom and I wanted to start anew in a quieter atmosphere.” I blinked, looked to Brother A who looked to me. We shared the same thought. Why would anyone want to move here?
“This place isn’t so great. We have gossip folk and plenty more.”
“That’s alright, we have muggers and thieves in the city.”
“Good point.”
Silence grew between them as they stared at each other smiling softly, I could feel the heat of hatred rise from my temples and I twitched, breaking the silence. “I’m brother B and this is brother A. It’s nice to meet you…” I looked at her name tag. “Girl with the beautiful name.”  I forced a shy smile and it appeared to me she enjoyed it by the look on her face. She spoke with those perfect lips again, the lips that gave me chills and the dirtiest thoughts that I could imagine. “Like wise. You two are welcome to the slushies on me, because of the warm welcoming at least.” We both perked up, we’ve met one of god’s angels. She was sweet, nice, perfect? Offered us slushies. What more could we ask for except for sex with her maybe but what more?

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