Thursday, September 15, 2011

I’m in-love with you and I’m making you mine.

I’m in-love with you and I’m making you mine.
Work was probably the only thing that made me happy. I enjoyed it so much. I would go in, singing a soft tune and spin in circles, pretending I was a Princess at my own ball. Each time I took a step inside the morgue I felt at home, felt like I belong. I loved the silence, the presence of no one but myself there. Sometimes my co-worker Timmy would be there, but he avoided me at all costs because of my weird tactics I’d throw at him, like speaking about my menstrual period, or talking about those pesky Fangers. Besides him I loved my job. It was peaceful. The bodies were peaceful. Nothing made me happier than the dead. They slept for eternity; I slept just to wake up to them. I was truly enchanted by their ways and the way they were vulnerable under me. They never complained, never begged me to do this or to do that. I was my own self and they loved me. All of them, they all loved me. When I went into work tonight Timmy was just reading up on a medical sheet and autopsy report of the recent client we had. That’s what we called them. “Our clients.” We respected them greatly and didn’t want to just call them the deceased. They were more than that. I walked over to Timmy and he looked at me through his expensive and thick bifocals. “Hey there.” He said quietly.  I twirled around him, touching his arm affectionately. “Hi Timothy, how was work today?” He put down the clipboard on the metal slab, taunting me with information. “It was slow, nothing new. Just two more came in. They’re in the freezer for you.” He winked.  To him I was just a creepy co-worker that enjoyed working with the dead a little too much but what he didn’t realize was my true fantasy with them. He walked away waving. “See you tomorrow afternoon, I’ve gotta pick up Susan from Ballet practice. Thanks for coming in early.” He shouted as he went to the locker room. I smiled brightly and listened in carefully as he pulled off his gloves and his scrubs, throwing them into the trash and laundry hamper. I said there momentarily and looked at the clip board, Age: 21. Cause of death: Pharmaceutical overdose. I looked up to see a large male on the gurney. My face went pink, I tip toed over towards his face, tugged it over to face me gently. He was Caucasian and blonde; my favorite. I traced the outline of his jaw, he was very facially appealing. I adored it. Strong facial features excited me greatly. I leaned in close, pushing up the lid of his eye. He had grey irises. I squirmed. I loved grey eyed boys. He had no facial hair except for the natural stubble. I pulled away. Facing the locker room door, listening to Timmy leave. I whispered. “Thanks.” I pulled down the sheet, exposing his full body. I observed him intensely. “What magnificent skin you have my dear.” I touched every outline of his muscular tone, the ripples of his belly, the slope of his hips, the hairline of his manhood. I shivered. I wanted him badly like a kitten wanted a ball of yarn. I begin tearing my clothes off quickly. Dressing down to only my underwear, stricken by desire. I leaped up onto the gurney and straddled him, bending down to place a kiss on my lover’s lips. Amazed at how cold and silent he was. I laid my ear next to his heart. “You look so peaceful and content.” I curled my toes. Enjoying this blissful moment I shared with this poor man. Sitting back up I dragged my fingertips down the middle of his sternum and breast plate. His nice pale translucent skin luring me in. I arched my back moaning softly, tilting my head to the right. Watching him as he laid there sleeping soundly. Reaching over to pick up his cold white hand, heavy and thick and brings the tip of his fingers to my lips, licking them gently and drawing them into my mouth, wrapping my tongue around each finger, moaning softly to myself. “You taste delicious too.” Dropping his hand abruptly staring straight back at him. As minutes went by I thought about what I was doing, why it aroused me so much. I pushed the thought in the back of my mind and leaned forward. Pushing his jaw down exposing the thick leaded tongue I begged for. Dipping my tongue into his no longer breathing cavity, swirling my tongue lazily with his floppy piece. I moved his hand between us, aching and throbbing passionately. Letting a giggle erupt from my throat as I make his hand push away the middle of my panties, touching me with grace. I closed my eyes and groaned into his mouth breathing heavily, moving my hips back pressing him against me. “Tonight, I’ll make you love me.” I whispered and made him mine.

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