Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tale of Two Brothers [Short Story]

Brother A and I always loved to get slushies. We were slushy fiends. We enjoyed the carbonated taste, the sweet sugary goodness. The frozen treat was like our choice of drug. Every Friday when Brother A would pick me up from work at the hardware store we’d stop by Bob’s to grab a slushy before heading home. I think that was our way of saying we loved each other. We didn’t speak until we had our drinks. The silence between us during the short drive just drove us mad with anticipation, giving us a rush and a sugar high. We were excited. We felt empowered. We were seven and fourteen again. But on this particular day our lives changed, drastically.
As we walked in, prepared to take on the deliciously goodness of the frozen treat. As it waited so impatiently for us to double team her like the naughty treat she’s been. A girl was standing in front of our whore. She wasn’t just any girl though. She was a female my brother and I had yet to encounter. Long black hair it was thick like a lion’s mane. She had a nice complexion like an all year long golden tan. She had to be some kind of Hispanic or mix breed. Point is when she faced us and we saw her face.  The thought of our first love, slushies disappeared that day. She had heart shaped lips and big beautiful deep brown eyes. She was gorgeous. No makeup, no pretend to be attractive beauty. She had curves that could make valleys and mountains look flat. I looked to Brother A who happen to be in the same complete daze as me. I nudged him gently. “Hey, snap out of it.” I looked back to the new girl and awkwardly smiled as my heart tried to keep up with my brain. I swallowed nervously and raised a brow while licking my lips, trying to find the right words to say.
“Is the ICEE machine broken because that’d be a total dick kill.”
Shit. She blinked at me and quirked a slight smile, snorting as she finished filling her cup and faced us completely with her small frame and grace. Brother A, sat there mouth cracked open waiting for flies to float in and nestle in his wretched mouth. He finally spoke, being a lot smoother than me. His best quality. 
“Sorry he’s a freak and never seen a girl before.” I nod in agreement even if the statement was false.
“It’s alright I’m sort’ve used to it.” She said.
“So, who are you?”
“[Beautiful hotness name.] I’m new here, just started today, and yes it’s working I just thought I’d sneak some.”
There was silence, I looked over to Brother A again and he was grinning, blushing. What an asshole. He would do this; I decided to speak up again. Trying to smooth out my nervousness and talk to this girl without looking like a complete jackass again. But she made me nervous, very nervous. More nervous than my dad did when he forced me to play football and I completely let him down with a simple fumble that ruined his “fatherly” life forever. “Hey your kid has those butterfingers; he’ll do well with the ladies.” Some guy from my dad’s job shouted after the game. But unfortunately even then it didn’t work out so much. I stepped forward a bit. Staring at her carefully trying to not be an awkward alabaster retard.  “Did you just move here?” I asked questionably. She shifted her weight, leaning on one side of her body, hips angled. Giving my brother and I jolts of electricity that we didn’t want at that particular moment. She nodded, grinning. “Yeah actually I moved here from New York City a couple days ago.” My jaw dropped. “New York City?” Brother A asked, he was interested in the busy speedy life. I was too but we were stuck here in bumfuck county.  She nodded once more and began walking towards the register, keeping an eye on us in case we were some kind of rapist freaks. “Yep, ol’ NYC. My mom and I wanted to start anew in a quieter atmosphere.” I blinked, looked to Brother A who looked to me. We shared the same thought. Why would anyone want to move here?
“This place isn’t so great. We have gossip folk and plenty more.”
“That’s alright, we have muggers and thieves in the city.”
“Good point.”
Silence grew between them as they stared at each other smiling softly, I could feel the heat of hatred rise from my temples and I twitched, breaking the silence. “I’m brother B and this is brother A. It’s nice to meet you…” I looked at her name tag. “Girl with the beautiful name.”  I forced a shy smile and it appeared to me she enjoyed it by the look on her face. She spoke with those perfect lips again, the lips that gave me chills and the dirtiest thoughts that I could imagine. “Like wise. You two are welcome to the slushies on me, because of the warm welcoming at least.” We both perked up, we’ve met one of god’s angels. She was sweet, nice, perfect? Offered us slushies. What more could we ask for except for sex with her maybe but what more?

Her Skin Was So Pale

Her Skin Was So Pale

Her skin was so white and pale, well at least her natural color between the linings of her body art. I could tell she had a beautiful complexion. Kind of like pumpkin seeds almost toasted, or the meat of an almond. Point blank She was gorgeous.
The sky was blue and creeping beneath the blinds of the window. Fading from a dark black to a luscious faint blue, the sun was lining the horizon. I could have laid there for hours if I could. Walking my fingers up and down her skin like the legs of a spider, swift and delicate. A smile twitched at the corners of my lips. Turning up into a smile, spreading across my face like an infection. She had this way of making me feel weightless even if she was asleep besides me, whimpering in her sleep. Turning over onto my side, tilting my head and staring at the handsome face before me. Observing every scar, every indent on her face, every pore. Separating each different color within her eye lashes. I found myself grow hot after watching her quite some time. I couldn’t help it. Her eyes flickered open. I blinked repeatedly at her and swallowed hard, feeling as if an orange was catch in my throat. I tried speaking in a raspy, husk voice.
“Good morning.” I grinned at her, trying to pretend as if nothing peculiar was happening, keeping composure. She looked up at me with big innocent eyes.Moving the tip of her thumb to her lips, watching me carefully. “What were you doing?” I grew quiet. Looking back into those perfect brown irises. “Nothing, in particular.” I said, clearing my throat. Smiling and rubbing her shoulder affectionately trying to cover my pathetic excuse for watching her sleep.
“You were watching me sleep, why were you watching me sleep?” She asked immediately after my response. I raised my eyes a bit, chewing my lip as guilt spilled through my cheeks like blooming rose buds. “Just thought you're gorgeous when you sleep I guess, I just find you beautiful in every aspect of your life.” Silence rested between us and she finally spoke in the cute drawled out tone. “You’re weird Bobby.” I nodded in agreement with her, leaning in close hoping she’d forgive me for intruding on her rest. Of course, she lowered her eyes, long thick eye lashes hiding those doe eyes. Pecking me on the lips. “You’re weird, but I still think you’re cute.” A giggle gurgled from her throat and out her lips. My body shook with delight and excitement, becoming absent minded and sheepishly grins. “Can we stay like this forever?” I say without thought. She nods slowly. Her head moving upward and down gracefully, on her shoulders. A strand of hair fell down upon her face and I moved it quickly as my toes wiggled and touched hers through my socks.
Being there forever with her may have been a bad idea to some guys. But to me it was like being alive for eternity. I was obsessed with this girl in a way that made me insane. And if insanity brought me this much happiness I was okay with being wrapped up in her love, stuck in a room with her forever. She made my breathing pattern unsteady, my dreams feeling real. And my heart at constant speed. Each day I’m with her I spend it as if it were my last. We fight and we argue like small children over candy, but in the end of the day she’s always wrapped up in my arms with her head tucked under my chin. There’s never a moment when I’m not thinking about her or what she’s up to. So, if watching her sleep is weird, then what is normal?
I'm certain I'm a extremely different person after her; maybe better or maybe worse. All I know is, I'm not afraid to fall in love now. 

Hello My Dear

12:04 AM Tuesday Week 1

Jazzy-Ann’s bar was clearing up. No one seemed to be in the place, just me and my black ass, and a couple of white folk.  The waitress’s went their rounds and cleaned tables, the patrons stared at me intensely and sip their beers as I read the paper. It was pretty obvious what was going through their minds,  “what’s this color’d man doing here? In our bar?”  Maybe they wouldn’t had said it like that but I damn sure know they meant it like that, now I’m no nigga to play around with, I’ve been through things and trouble to know not to be fooled. Of course, they knew how to keep it to themselves and do the only closest thing to being rude. Stare.  That’s okay, as long as I have my drink and my paper. I’ll be just fine.
Now Jazzy-Ann’s was a bar out in Shreveport, Louisiana . I’ve always visit the place when I came down to Louisiana for business. The employee’s know me, and the owner knows me, personally.  Every time I walk in they always have my drink, my newspaper ready at my favorite seat.  Of course the patrons aren’t used to seeing a black guy come in here, but that’s their sad white racist ass fault. Perhaps if their mammy and pappy let them see what a black person look like, they wouldn’t be staring at me like I’m the loch ness monster. But then again, they could be staring because I am pretty unusual. I’m six foot six and I’m thin and muscular. I always come in wearing a olive colored suit, and I have long hair. But I mostly keep it in a braid. I wear shades inside and I stay wearing the baddest gator boots in the south. Of course, I’m the sexiest mother fucker you will ever see. I can toot my horn, I like being arrogant and cocky. It gives good self esteem. A lot of people seem to forget that, telling yourself you’re beautiful is the key to happiness. But happiness wasn’t about to happen now, especially in Jazzy-Ann’s.
Three young white males walked in, staggering. Already drunk. They reeked and I could taste it on my tongue. I could sense the trouble they were about to brew, the few people left in the bar stared at them silently except for me. I just took a sip of my drink and kept reading. As long as they don’t bother me, I’m fine and dandy as a bird. But I could see, once they saw me, the dandy bird charade wouldn’t last for long. The three men sat at the stool seats at the bar and they hooted and hollered loudly, a waitress came over to ask them their orders, “We’re about to close now ya’ll, but I will be happy to serve you three men a drink.” The shortest one out of them, snickered at her and grabbed her by the hand, “ What kind of drink are yer’ offering?” He looked at his friends then back to her, with a toothless grin. “ Well perhaps you three, w-w-would like a beer?” she tried pulling her hand away but he wasn’t letting go, one of the fat one’s with a trucker hat and cut off sleeves licked his lips and puckered at her, “I like wet, warm, drinks.” Said the short one. Her mouth parted and her eyes swelled with tears, “Just please, please let me go.” She whispered, it was so soft that they probably didn’t hear it. Everyone in the bar was looking right now, silent, then she looked at me, expecting for me to help. I kept down at my paper reading up on a section about a massacre in Brooklyn, New York in a local club scene and how all the bodies were dismembered and  blood everywhere, the distinction was that, some of them had been strangely deceased years before the massacre. The short one, who obviously seem to be the leader of the drunkards, looked at me. He let her hand go. Whispered to his friends and jumped up from his chair. Now I know these crackas ain’t stupid. Jumping out his chair like he a damn fool, about to come over here and say something to me. I know he ain’t stupid because if he is, he’ll sure get what’s coming to his jive white ass.
“WHATS A NIGGER DOING IN OUR BAR?” he yelled across the room at everyone, who cowardly looked away or looked down. He slowly staggered over, giggling. Staring at me, spitting onto the floor by my foot.  I looked down at my shoe. Making sure he didn’t get any of his nasty ass spit on my new gators. “What you doin’ here boy?” said the third one, who was tall, skinny, and fucking ugly as the hole he came from, missing teeth and shit. I didn’t respond. “Yer’ heard him nigger, don’t you know this ain’t a bar for color?” the midget said, and when I say midget I don’t mean literally I meant, compared to me he is. I decided to look at them, keeping my shades on and keeping it cool. “Take them damn shades off boy, you don’t own shit, fucking niggers think they got money.” He ripped my shades off, and just like that, they’re faces changed, everyone was about staring now. Now, I had unusual eyes. For a dark man like me, my eyes shouldn’t be bright yellow. But they were, and you’ll see why in a few minutes.
“Now, ya’ll think ya’ll can come up in here, and take advantage of the waitress and bar, and take my damn shades off, you must be crazy if you think that shits funny.”
“Who the fuck you think you talkin’ to nigger?” he pulled his fist back and snarled at me, each word in that sentence he said, spit flung out his nasty rotten mouth, hitting me. Now I don’t take kindly to rude remarks like that. I am an American citizen. I have rights, I can talk to any mother fucker I want to, how any goddamn way I want!
“Cracka, I’m talking to you, if you haven’t noticed.”
He went to go slug me, but my fast refluxes caught his brittle fist before he could blink.
“Now, I told ya not to be thinking you can take an advantage of people in here, now if you hit- -
The fat one flipped my table and my drink went everywhere, splattered on the wall and paper. All over my brand new suit.
“What the fuck was you drinkin’ boy?’ the fat one said. Because my drink hadn’t been transparent like the rest of patrons drinks.
“Now ya’ll just pissed me off, I haven’t had nothing to eat for four days and you wanna waste my drink, oh hell no mother fucker.” I stood up, standing about two feet taller over the shorter one and several inches over the other two. “One rule you don’t do, is spill a man’s drink and get it on his suit. Especially not me, and I’m not no ordinary human, in fact I’m not human at all.” Then I gave these boys a time of their ending lives. Right in that bar.

3:30 PM Thursday Week 1
I picked up the news paper, from outside. I looked at the main story, apparently there was a homicide case that happen in Shreveport, Tuesday. Three men were found, (hard to describe) rip to pieces or burst into gunk of internal organs and body tissue and blood. It said that the bar was closing down and patrons were about to leave until the three men came into the bar and started trouble, then a few seconds later they died mysteriously. When asked the patrons about the trouble at the bar that morning about 12:20AM, none of the waitresses or patrons could remember what happen to them, all they know was that one minute they were sexually harassing Jane Barnette, then the next the three men just laid across the floor splattered with blood and missing limbs and other body parts.
That’s weird, no one remembering how they died, were their memories erased? I read more of the paper,

…The three men were identified as, Samuel Thompson, 23. Jodran
Bennedict, 27, and Sean O’Harrison, 28. The three men were workers
Of a construction site and lived together as roommates. The men were
described as, rude, obnoxious, disrespectful. According to patrons of
the bar. “Then the men walked on the other side of the room and wham-
I blacked out I guess and next thing I know I’m splattered with blood
And I look up at the ceiling and there was Sam’s guts hanging from
                                 It.” Says bar patron Donald Newton, 43.

It was weird staring at this story. “Blacking out?” Of course if you drink too much you’d black out but still, no one seemed to remember what happen? Sounds like one of those government cases where they hide the truth and cover it up with something else. Then again it reminded me of my father.

It’s like when you hear all these stories about these strange beings and creatures that creep into your bed at night and slither across your floor and breath on the back of your neck, your instant reaction to this story is to shiver and shake. As the story continues to grow into this monstrous visual, you cringe at its climax, of the image of the creature raising its mouth open and two little sharp fangs form and they place their animalistic mouth onto your throat with your thick visible vein pumping furiously with blood and they draw, leaving you gasping and dying as blood spurts into the mouth of the savage creature. The story tellers main focus was to spook you, and does he? Yes, because telling is believing, then there’s seeing, you’re six and you walk around on Halloween, after hearing that chilling tale, and see a creature of the night similar to the creature in the tale, and your heart gives out a huge thump.  That’s where seeing is believing comes in.
Of course I was six years old when my father told me the story of Count Dracula, he read me the book. He also read me Frankenstein. He was a horror fanatic, and actually made it his profession, he was a movie director that only made horror films, sometimes producing other horror films, or writing screenplays for some famous ones. He told me he grew up on films, but he adored the horror and fear in them. From seeing the first Dracula to seeing Nightmare on Elm Street my father has always felt that Horror was his first love. He also believed there were such things as “Vampires” and “Zombies” and “Goblins”, maybe he was right or maybe he’s wrong but I’ve always thought that perhaps he was. They scared me a little bit much at six, and my mother thought my father was outrageous to be sharing his fantasies with his young child, including my one year old sister. She never really heard the stories, but she’d sneak in when mom wasn’t looking or when she was out grocery shopping. Dad was this powerful man who accomplished his dreams and passion. He wanted to share his thoughts on horror with others, by putting it into movies, making them even more gruesome and scarier than the rest. I’ve always admired my father, he was an amazing man. My sister and I would like to think so.

My mother divorced my father when I started high school. My father was too caught up into his world of fiction to even notice his wife had given up on him. He always told her he loved her and every aspect of her reflected in his films and in his work. She didn’t care, what she wanted was a “real relationship” and not a man who was addicted to the swamp monster. She called him childish and shot down his dreams, when to be honest she was just a sex addict who couldn’t get satisfied. My father was so busy into taking care of the family and directing his films that he just couldn’t perform actual real intimacy in the bedroom with my mom. So, three days before even mentioning divorce, during dinner she flat out told him she has been cheating on him with Uncle Harry, his brother, for the past five years which was kind of awkward because Uncle Harry was really, “Aunt Hilda” who recently transformed into the other gender. So basically my mom became a lesbian. No surprise to my father he just simply chuckled and looked at my sister and I and finished eating. My mother tried taking us to live with her and Uncle Harry but we put up a fight. My father was a better parent than my mother would ever be. We told her so, she hated us anyway she spat. But now every year we spend Christmas with her or Easter or birthdays. We truly never hated our mother we just hated the person she’d become. The sex addicted drunk who married my aunt- - I mean uncle.

My father didn’t take the divorce that great, but of course when we had family gatherings he’d always been polite to my mother and sometimes occasionally starring at her as if it was the first time he’s ever seen her, he’d look at her with this flawless expression of undying love and passion like he would with his movies. She’d noticed, blush and wave, she liked the attention. But never wanted him back. She’d give him hope, sometimes coming over from Arizona visiting and spending the weekend with us, sometimes waking up my father’s libido. But she’d always leave with broken promises of bringing the family back together. She was never really faithful to any Sheppard’s. My Uncle, my dad. My sister and I. None of us. But now that I’m older and I’m on my own I’ve come to realize that people make changes and mistakes and don’t take them as literal as others would. I’m twenty five now, my sister’s turning twenty soon. My father is sixty seven and hasn’t had a love life since my mother left when I was thirteen. New York has always been my home but I never stayed long. I’ve always traveled a lot. To LA and to Florida and now I’ve actually settled down in New Orleans. My sister lives with me. She goes to college in New Orleans University. Of course, I’m glad she’s not a drunken slut, although every sick nasty guy out here would love her to be. I don’t.
Of course, I write chilling tales now, if you ask, “what happen to the little boy who heard ghost stories from his father at six? What did he become?” Let’s say not what you’d hope I’d be. I’m actually an artist, not an extremely talented artist, like Leonardo or Picasso. I have a couple tattoos and the rough hair, but not black as you’d think. I’m blonde, my sister has the dark hair. I have mostly my father’s features. My sister sadly was stuck with my moms. Lately in New Orleans things have been getting a little weird, like, people have been turning up missing or dead? Mauled by random animals apparently. It’s kind of interesting to know that, strange creatures lurk the night, I mean it is ironic that I live in New Orleans home to Vampires and Zombies and creatures everywhere and now there’s been random mass murders. But, I’m not the one to care, or to find out. If trouble wants me, it’ll come to me. I’m not looking for it. I’m not looking to be that sleeping person, who becomes a vampire’s or ghouls pry. I’m just looking for peace, and hopefully in all the right places.

I sat the newspaper down. I looked around my apartment and back at my bedroom door. The girl I met last night was lying in my bed. My sheets incasing her body figure. I walked back into the room and decided to remind myself on why she was invited over last night. Then I realized, “I’m lonely.” I whispered as I looked at myself in the mirror. My sad lonely grayish blue eyes staring back at me.
I walked back to the girl who I loved physically, for 45 minutes last night.

Fuck Me Like A Wolf

Fuck Me Like A Wolf

I could show Milo shoulder porn and he’d sport a stiffy in the matter of seconds. That man is easier than instant potatoes. I was stuck on him. He could eat me alive, literally. He was creative and charming, knew how to get me out of my jean shorts real quick. When we first met I played the shy girl who was afraid to be intimate, of course I wasn’t exactly into the living breathing type. But I decided to give this guy a try and ever since then, I can say I’m addicted. Having sex with Milo was like having the urge to punch something really hard and feel exhilarated after beating your knuckles raw. I’m not sure if that’s a good analogy to use, but anything that results in feeling achieved is how I felt with him. Milo isn’t exactly a gentle guy, in fact because we are wolves sex is a lot rougher than I expected. I know, that’s a silly thought but it’s been a quite long time since I’ve been with a guy, well a living one. Sometimes I’d tease him and say, “I’m gonna use my teeth and my claws.” I’d expect the bad boy attitude to bite back at me. Which it always did, but mostly on the ass and inner thigh; naughty bits were gently bit at. Honestly, I really like it when he’s rough. I blush a lot especially when he takes his large hand cupping the side of my face and dragging his thumb across and down my lower lip, whispering to me how the more I resist him, the harder he’s going to fuck me. Things like that are little sweet nothings that should be said in private or spoken softly in your ear. But knowing my big bad wolf and his I-don’t-give-a-fuck-attitude, he’d say it in public so passer-byers will know the trouble I’ll be in.  I guess I like being in trouble, a whole lot. Tonight trouble seemed to be brewing between us two. We were on his couch, preoccupied with each other’s lips, moving quickly and catching in one’s teeth. Milo nudged Slag with his foot, pushing the pup away from us, the poor thing glowered and waddled off. I had my hands tugging at the collar of his shirt as his hands worked away at the button on my jeans. Supposedly we were supposed to watch Dawn of the Dead on his TV but instead his hand happened to wander down my thigh, stroking it gently building strength and moving up to a warmer climate.

Gliding my hands down his hard chest and lower, stopping at his lap. I was playing coy and turning my head slightly to the side so he’s have a chance to nip at my ear and trail down to my neck sucking lightly at the skin, turning it a light shade of red. I’d murmur his name, trying to hold back a moan that was building intensely in my chest. He wouldn’t pull away; he’d move his soft supple lips to my collar bone, licking along the lining of it, dipping his tongue. The only sound I could hear was myself groaning low, and a soft buzzing in my head. My hands squeezed lightly at the top of his muscular thighs, moving my mouth to his and flicking my tongue at his teeth. He seemed to have liked that by the way a deep animalistic growl erupted from the pit of his belly through his throat. Growling back as he lifted me onto his lap, grinding me against his hard cock, moving my hips as painful throbs pulse through my walls. “I want you to ride my cock until your pussy’s raw.” He muffled against my kissing, yanking at my shorts forcefully and me myself digging into his open jeans to drag his hard thick muscle from under his waist band. I paused, pulling away feeling completely blurred by lust. “I want you to treat me like a bad little girl.” grinning, chewing at my own lip anxiously. He didn’t object, grabbing me by the hair and yanking my head back. “Fine then, I’ll fuck you like a dirty slut.” Gasping as he grazed his teeth along mid throat and down holding for dear life onto his shoulders shivering from his touch. Feeling him move from under me and around to face the back of me, looking over my shoulder at him catching his glance and a slick smile on his face with a handful of my hair, he was removing my shorts and running a finger under the line of my panties and stopping between my legs to probe his finger tip at my clit, running it down towards my wet opening getting me ready. I squirmed, backing myself against him waiting eagerly to be mounted wiggling my ass at him like a taunting meal. Hearing grunts and the tear of my panties, squeezing a cheek hard before reaching to touch his rigid cock, playing with the tip and sliding it into me. A chorus of moans fell from my mouth; closing my eyes and feeling the walls of my pussy tighten around him as I sucked in my stomach aching for him to just fuck me already. He slowly slid out, keeping an eye on me and watched carefully. Running a hand to my hip and gripping it feeling his arousal kick which made me whimper even more, puckering up my lips and pouting. “Please.” I begged, he scoffed; almost hanging my head until when I least expected it he shoved into me hard, burrowing his dick deep inside. I could feel my stomach jump, swallowing as he slid out slow once again teasing with the tip of his cock before moving it down to press hard against my clit ring, toying with it. He wouldn’t stop; he didn’t stop until I came. Finally he went back in me and let go of my hair to grasp onto both hips, thrusting hard and fast making me quiver and yelp. I could see him biting down on his lip watching himself fuck me like a damn animal. Swearing under his breath and grabbing onto my ass to push apart so he could get a good look at his glistening smooth cock. My climax began to build and become more intense as he went in and out of me. The more I moaned the harder he fucked, the more I whimpered the faster he went. The more I got weak in the knees and almost gave out, the deeper he’d bury his dick by hoisting my hips up and plowing into me. I begin to pant and hold onto the top of the couch but then he pulled out and pulled me onto of him straddling him. I lifted my hips and rushed my hand around the base of him, shoving it right back into me with excitement. My pussy smothered his cock like they were meant for one another. Milo grinned hard, enjoying the fact I was just as eager to fuck. I begin to pump arching my back, running fingers through his hair to tug and jerk his head back every time he tried kissing me. His hand reached my top and yanked hard, ripping the seams and grabbing ahold of my breast moving it to his mouth to kiss at it since my lips weren’t an option, sucking lightly at the erect nipple making my toes curl and sending hot spasms through my stomach. I groaned. “I’m gonna cum.” Repeated my words, and he took control. Lifting me into the air and grinding me onto his cock, pounding and not breaking eye contact. “Come on baby cum for me, milk my cock clean.” I gave out and pressed hard down on him, squeezing my eyes shut with my arms wrapped around his neck, head rested on his chest as a loud moan escaped through my lips. Milo also gave in, and held onto me as he had his own release, filling me full with his sweetness and falling back onto the couch. “Fuck babe.” He said after we both caught our breath. I was immobilized, couldn’t talk, see, or pay attention. Lifting heavy lids to meet his kissing the corner of his mouth before face planting back on his chest, speaking in a soft girly tone, “Just shut up, I’m tired.” He didn’t say anything after that except chuckling and rubbing my back softly.

God movie night is such a good night to screw.

Such Small Hands

Such Small Hands

Everything we have today in the world is supposed to be a convenience and help us move faster in life and advance. We have roads to move along automobiles and plans to ship folks across countries and seas to another destination. It takes blood and grit to move everything along. Blood and grit to catch the eye of a girl in a bar, and make her yours; take her home and show her what it is like is to not be her daddy. Stupid girls fall for free drinks and handsome smiles. Those I can give and succeed at. A leggy brunette with nylon stockings and plump lips happen to catch my attention one night. Jenna was a different girl though. I had to work to get her to take a drink from me. Fortunately luck was on my side for once, because I took that pretty little gal home by the end of the night to only be invited to the magical land between her white thighs. She said after I hours of being wrapped up in each other, lying there sweaty and glistening with each other’s filth. “Mr. Wilco you’ll be the death of me.” She said with a giggle. We dated for a while and got to know each other more. We learned each other’s habits and discovered pet peeves. She did things I would find cute but to her I did things she hated. So, she thought she’d fix our relationship by seeing some new guy. Fine, see a nw guy just don’t fucking flaunt that shit in front of my face. If you’re going to cheat do it behind my back, not at the fucking bar where we met and in front of my friends at that. Jenna didn’t understand the ethics of manhood and how bad it’d look on me to have a girlfriend use me like a raggedy doll. Nor did I, because I was a silly boy who loved a woman who couldn’t give a single fuck if my lungs worked to breath or if my heart pumped to live. I was brought up to believe everything I knew was right was really wrong in our relationship. The lies, the kisses, and the empty promises.  The night I found out about the guy she was seeing we were fighting in the kitchen. She worked her lungs, screaming so loud I’m sure even prisoners in China heard her. I’m not gonna lie and say I wasn’t crying that night or damn near to raising my hand to her, because I did. She shoved me back, calling me a pathetic excuse for a man. A degrace and that I couldn’t do anything right because the lack of balls I had were just loose skin. That night instead of a man I was a child, lost in love and sitting on the floor of the kitchen with my head between my knees. She left.
A couple months later Jenna came back into my life and we decided to start a new, I took her for drinks in the same bar we met at. I had about four beers and maybe a couple shots and Jenna had nothing but a smile planted on her lips. I was quite intoxicated and far under the influence to drive, but I insisted. She didn’t oblige as if she planned for all of this to happen. I held her hand and she was too afraid to speak, just too afraid to speak and I just wouldn’t understand.  Heading out to the car Jenna stopped me, placing a small hand on my arm, touching my lightly, and looking into my eyes with a solemn expression. I stopped and stared, baffled by the gesture. “I do love you Trevor, it just hard to love you.” I shrugged off what she said and just grinned like a drunk bastard, giving her a kiss before getting inside my vehicle and strapping myself in, sliding the key into the ignition feeling everything around me slow down.
I never understood what she meant; I never actually gave it thought. I didn’t care, I just wanted a purpose in love, I was selfish and wanted a reason to wake up and say I love you. But did I care what she wants? Fuck no. Love rhymes with fear. Too scared to love, and loving too much to be scared of anything.
I turned on my music and blasted it loud, drumming to it on the steering wheel grinning hard at her as she strained a smile to me. I touched her knee affectionately, letting her know of the upcoming events at my apartment that might not impress her so much due to my intoxicated state. She seemed to not care of anything I had to say, she just clutched to my arm tightly never letting me go. As I drove down the road, surrounded by darkness and trees I caught a glimpse of an apparatus standing before us, maybe it was my blurred vision or tipsy hallucination but I definitely saw something that could been a person, I swerved the car, hitting my breaks hard. Life sucks sometime you know? Working so hard for something, putting blood and sweat into it. Jenna was something I worked hard for, she was my life and I was hers. She was the last image I’d see before I slept.
Since that night, I see her in my sleep. I see her in my dreams. And I see her dying.
I see her dying, and I see the light go out in her eyes and her lips still.
And I hear. I hear nothing, but the sound of my own heart breaking into pieces, shattering to the sound of her neck breaking and her body violently shutting down, forever.

Said The King To The River

Said The King To The River

Woods are supposed to be mysterious and wonderful. Standing there with the wind flowing through your hair making it dance. The trees hovering over you listening quietly to your heart beat. They may be silent but sure they are there, listening and waiting. They’re there to protect us and shield us. I can remember that night, running through the woods with my friends. It was graduation night and we were setting up a Bon Fire. I remembered the faces of all of my friends, grinning and spilling beer on each other drunkenly laughing as if there was no care in the world. You could feel the warmth from the happiness everyone produced, it was beautiful. There was magic there. Of course, I thought I’d be going off to college and meet a guy maybe marry him, finish school and have a family I thought of all the possibilities. Standing there watching the fire lick the wood it burned and flickered, shivering with heated delight. I watched it, and I imagined my future right before me, knowing this was how my life would be. Perfect. I’m not naïve, I know there would be some obstacles but they were obsolete at the moment. Jack headed towards me, Jack was my boyfriend at the time and standing next to me he caught me in a daze. His charming smile meeting my gaze; he had dimples and a beauty mark near the corner of his moss green eyes. His hair was mousey brown and thick and he was 6’4 and lean. I mean after all I was dating the captain of the lacrosse team who just so happen to be going to Yale that following fall. Even though we had plans to go to different colleges we knew we’d stay connected no matter what. He took me by the hand, cupping his beer with the other speaking to me softly about memories we shared. I smiled at him and blush at particular bits of the tale, especially at some that involved the both of our bare bodies touching. He knew how to make me cower, feel coy, feel like the only girl in the world. Jack was a ladies man, smooth talker and a sophisticated boy. We walked through the woods, away from the camping site and towards a lake, the moon reflected off of it and it only made the romantic tension between us stronger. He commented on the aestheticism of the gleaming moon, how the reflection reminded him of how narcissistic the moon can be, flaunting her figure within any form of mirror she can find. He stopped at the edge to face me. “You’re much more beautiful than the moon.” I nodded, blushing and covering my pink cheeks. Trembling at his words, he always knew how to sweep me off my feet even if it was a copy of a famous play. He ran a finger across the right side of my face, looking at me with hazy eyes and a quivering bottom lip. I could feel the heat rise from his chest, aching to have more of me. I swore my heart was beating so loud that night because things took a turn I didn’t expect. My chest heaved, trying to control my breathing looking up into his green eyes, parting my lips as he drew closer towards my face. Everything around us seemed to disappear, until I saw from the corner of my eye a hand reach up and grab Jack by the throat. It was pale, white and translucent. The finger nails on the creature seemed to be worn down; I noticed this due to his fingers digging into Jack’s throat, pushing away the blood under them. The hand gripped his throat tightly, preventing air entering his lungs and air escaping. My eyes widen as Jack was thrown to the ground before me with such force that was humanly impossible. A man stood there, he wasn’t a man he was more than that. I could say I was mortified but truth be told I was in total shock, stunned by this man. He hunched over jacked and grinned a malicious smile and winked. “Number four says he likes the ring on your finger, it’d be polite to give him it.” Jack tried scrambling to his feet. “Fuck off you fucking freak!” He bellowed and looked to me. The marble like creature straightened his posture, losing the giddy expression before swiftly reaching towards Jack’s Class ring and breaking the entire finger off with one move as a blood curling scream leap out of his throat and into the night’s sky. I stumbled backwards, finally regaining consciousness. He looked to me, eyes focusing on my face, he snorted before breaking Jack’s neck. Leaving my boyfriend there dead on the cold dirt ground. All I could do was look at Jack, the man giggled. He had natural red hair and a wicked goofy grin I’d never forget, especially after he advanced on me saying in a drunken slur. “He shouldn’t have said that to number four.” His eyes went cross eyed, and he staggered towards me almost as if he was intoxicated. I blinked at him. I couldn’t speak, my mouth was dry and all I could do was shake violently like a skittish dog. He took one more step towards me. “I’m hungry, and I’m feeling pretty experimental tonight.”  That night the woods didn’t protect me, Jack failed to protect me, and my future plans were given up on. Instead, I was to live a life being a blood sucking fiend and a father’s disappointment. I always hear him mumble sometimes, “Should have had a vampire abortion.” 

Roses and Terrible Tremors

Roses and Terrible Tremors

Nightmares have haunted me for decades but I try to be optimistic about my dreams. Aren’t nightmares just tremors of the important parts of the day? I don’t believe they have any meaning, none whatsoever. I could be lying but if so for the sake of my sanity. I don’t enjoy the other side of me. He induces the blood curling dreams that taunts me constantly. I’m Sammy; I’m just a normal guy, aside from not having any living blood relatives and relapsing numerously. I’m always in and out of the hospital, fiends for morphine and other addictive drugs the emergency ward bans from the real world from ever touching. Each pill is like a rose, beautiful and sweet to the sense of smell. I could pluck each pill from the container like a rose, careful to not prick myself with a thorn [Take to many] and simply enjoy the euphoria the roses [Drugs] give me. I could say I don’t enjoy being sick, but in reality I do. I can’t stand a moment being myself. Because I’m not myself, I’m split into two figures. One side of me is calm, tolerable of the world and the other half is vicious and craves the wickedness within me. I’m baffled by all this. Perhaps I’m a schizophrenic. I have no idea really what I’m except I’m alive. I suppose that’s all that matters right? Being alive, being able to see the very next day. To take in a large amount of air deeply into my lungs, suppressing it and coolly exhaling. Without air there would be no life. It’s the main source of survival. I guess I appreciate the little things in life that many folks take for granted. You have to appreciate life in order to live your life. Appreciate the blue sky, the bright and bountiful sun, the clean fresh air and the small giggles and laughter from our future generation. Birds are the sweet violin playing to our ears, and the wind is the beloved soundtrack to our life. Enjoy the earth and her grass. Watch the stars as they tell stories. All of these are worth living for. To experience things you’ll never be able to ever see again. Even though I abuse my mind with drugs, but it’s only to fight off the nightmares. I hate the nightmares. I really do.

Some Things Are Meant For Other People.

Some Things Are Meant For Other People.

The night was dark as usual and the sky was misty. The window was foggy and steamed by the running radiator in the apartment. The ash of the cigarette fell gracefully onto the music sheet paper and sprinkled it’s self over the words of the song. He blinked back into consciousness. Bewildered by the sudden zone, he looked around. Only seeing candle light on the wall. The flickering fire licked the candle beautifully and he watched intensely. Giving the fire more attention than the song, he licked his lips to speak.
“I can’t do this.”
Smashing the butt of the cigarette he pressed down on it hard. Wishing it was his mind he could stub out. He sat back in his chair and swallowed. Feeling less and less human, scratching the torn skin near his jaw line vigorously, digging each fingernail deep and past the flesh, dragging more and more skin with him each time. Ignoring the pain and guilt flowing through his mind, he moved his lips to speak. “I can’t do this.” He said once again. He thought he’d never get past this. He finally removed his fingers from his throat after rubbing the redden skin after a while. Blinking slow, thinking about the tasteful substance that would preoccupy his mind for a little while longer. Maybe even perhaps build an imaginary landscape for him to feel welcome on. Something more real than reality, something that’ll get him away from the feeling of guilt and the thought of being alone. He continue to think to himself, but we all come into this world alone, we all die alone. Isn’t this what everyone thinks once in their life? If they die alone or not? He begin to scare himself, standing up and pacing around the apartment. Stepping over sheets of music and crossed over lifeless instruments. He began to fiend. To crave to get his mind off these thoughts of death. He reached into his pockets feeling nothing, rushing over to other pair of jeans that decorated the door to the bathroom, dug into those. Felt nothing, reached into the pockets of his coat. Breaking out into a sweat when he found his prize. Pulling out a thing slip of plastic, peering closely into it. Seeing a tiny bit of sparkle dust. He poured it onto the skin between his thumb and fore finger, clenched into a fist. He broke his silence again.
“I can’t do this.”
And then he rid himself of worries. 

I’m in-love with you and I’m making you mine.

I’m in-love with you and I’m making you mine.
Work was probably the only thing that made me happy. I enjoyed it so much. I would go in, singing a soft tune and spin in circles, pretending I was a Princess at my own ball. Each time I took a step inside the morgue I felt at home, felt like I belong. I loved the silence, the presence of no one but myself there. Sometimes my co-worker Timmy would be there, but he avoided me at all costs because of my weird tactics I’d throw at him, like speaking about my menstrual period, or talking about those pesky Fangers. Besides him I loved my job. It was peaceful. The bodies were peaceful. Nothing made me happier than the dead. They slept for eternity; I slept just to wake up to them. I was truly enchanted by their ways and the way they were vulnerable under me. They never complained, never begged me to do this or to do that. I was my own self and they loved me. All of them, they all loved me. When I went into work tonight Timmy was just reading up on a medical sheet and autopsy report of the recent client we had. That’s what we called them. “Our clients.” We respected them greatly and didn’t want to just call them the deceased. They were more than that. I walked over to Timmy and he looked at me through his expensive and thick bifocals. “Hey there.” He said quietly.  I twirled around him, touching his arm affectionately. “Hi Timothy, how was work today?” He put down the clipboard on the metal slab, taunting me with information. “It was slow, nothing new. Just two more came in. They’re in the freezer for you.” He winked.  To him I was just a creepy co-worker that enjoyed working with the dead a little too much but what he didn’t realize was my true fantasy with them. He walked away waving. “See you tomorrow afternoon, I’ve gotta pick up Susan from Ballet practice. Thanks for coming in early.” He shouted as he went to the locker room. I smiled brightly and listened in carefully as he pulled off his gloves and his scrubs, throwing them into the trash and laundry hamper. I said there momentarily and looked at the clip board, Age: 21. Cause of death: Pharmaceutical overdose. I looked up to see a large male on the gurney. My face went pink, I tip toed over towards his face, tugged it over to face me gently. He was Caucasian and blonde; my favorite. I traced the outline of his jaw, he was very facially appealing. I adored it. Strong facial features excited me greatly. I leaned in close, pushing up the lid of his eye. He had grey irises. I squirmed. I loved grey eyed boys. He had no facial hair except for the natural stubble. I pulled away. Facing the locker room door, listening to Timmy leave. I whispered. “Thanks.” I pulled down the sheet, exposing his full body. I observed him intensely. “What magnificent skin you have my dear.” I touched every outline of his muscular tone, the ripples of his belly, the slope of his hips, the hairline of his manhood. I shivered. I wanted him badly like a kitten wanted a ball of yarn. I begin tearing my clothes off quickly. Dressing down to only my underwear, stricken by desire. I leaped up onto the gurney and straddled him, bending down to place a kiss on my lover’s lips. Amazed at how cold and silent he was. I laid my ear next to his heart. “You look so peaceful and content.” I curled my toes. Enjoying this blissful moment I shared with this poor man. Sitting back up I dragged my fingertips down the middle of his sternum and breast plate. His nice pale translucent skin luring me in. I arched my back moaning softly, tilting my head to the right. Watching him as he laid there sleeping soundly. Reaching over to pick up his cold white hand, heavy and thick and brings the tip of his fingers to my lips, licking them gently and drawing them into my mouth, wrapping my tongue around each finger, moaning softly to myself. “You taste delicious too.” Dropping his hand abruptly staring straight back at him. As minutes went by I thought about what I was doing, why it aroused me so much. I pushed the thought in the back of my mind and leaned forward. Pushing his jaw down exposing the thick leaded tongue I begged for. Dipping my tongue into his no longer breathing cavity, swirling my tongue lazily with his floppy piece. I moved his hand between us, aching and throbbing passionately. Letting a giggle erupt from my throat as I make his hand push away the middle of my panties, touching me with grace. I closed my eyes and groaned into his mouth breathing heavily, moving my hips back pressing him against me. “Tonight, I’ll make you love me.” I whispered and made him mine.